Valentine’s Date Ideas and What to Wear

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, if you want to impress your significant other with something that’s not dinner and flowers, let’s chat about date ideas that are more about “the experience.” Most of these suggestions are stand-alone but would be fun to combine.
If you are a more physical couple, how about heading to the gym for an adrenaline-pumping workout and then a couples massage afterwards?
If you are a foodie couple, a restaurant/dinner crawl sounds more appealing than the usual sit-down meal. Sample a different course at each restaurant and you will not be over stuffed at the end of the evening. This is a great way to try a new restaurant that has been on your list
If you are celebrating Valentine’s Day as a family (possibly with little ones) I love the idea of a cozy bonfire with chocolate s’mores, a little wine and some music.
Is your friend group celebrating together this year? If so, a super fun and less expensive option is to belt out some of your favorite romantic tunes at a karaoke bar. This is also guaranteed laughter.
If you and your bae just want to be alone, jump in your car and head out for a drive to a quaint and charming neighboring town. Be sure to pack a picnic with all of your favorite things and stop at a scenic spot along the way to enjoy your lunch.
Now, of course, what to wear. I have linked a few of my favorite date night outfits below. Happy Valentine’s Day, sweet friends xoxo❤️