Let's Face It - Anti-aging Part I

Let’s face it, ladies, aging is a natural part of life; however, there are a few things that will help slow the clock. Some things are far more common sensical and logical than rubbing cow colostrum all over your face and hoping for the best :) Don't laugh, I know lots of you have tried it. Several of these things we have heard a million times (nag-nag) but they are tried and true and with little effort these things will become habit and will soon make a big difference. So let’s dive right in.
- We are all familiar with the saying “Beauty is on the inside." At the very least we know beauty starts on the inside. How many of us have seen an average-looking person but “there’s just something about them” that makes them beautiful. That something is self confidence. It is the best accessory so rock it.
- “We are what we eat.” Well, I don’t know about the expression itself, but what I do know is that we have to start on the inside with a good diet consisting of drinking several glasses of water daily, eating lots of leafy green vegetables and a small portion of good fats (who doesn't love avocado and coconut milk) and eliminate all processed foods and sugars from our diets. This one is huge!!! We will feel and look so much better that number 1 on our list will become easier for us.
- Use sunscreen every day, even in the winter. Those damaging UV rays are ever present, even while driving in the car. My favorite sunscreen is linked here.
- NO SMOKING. This in itself will add years to your real age.
- No alcohol (or at least limited to special occasions). Now, I know you are all saying, “Wait a minute! Wait a minute here,” but too much alcohol will also the calendar pages to appear to flip quicker. Don't kill the messenger :)
- Exercise a few times a week. We all have to carve out a little “me time” for our own sanity. Yoga stretches the mind and body and limits and reduces stress. Brisk walking a few times a week constitutes as exercise and it makes us more productive and alert during the day.
- Cell turnover. Our skin cells turn over every 21 days or so and as we age these little boogers tend to get slower at their job. Imagine that!!! Use of a Clarisonic or other electronic at-home scrubbing device can assist in cell turnover along with an in-office procedure commonly referred to as microdermabrasion, which is a non-invasive spraying of micro crystals to remove the outer most layer of dry, dead skin revealing younger, healthier, baby soft skin. In my opinion, a dermabrasion is the biggest bang for your buck (prices around $125-$150) per session and are usually recommended to have one session per quarter and can be combined with a light chemical peel, if you are adventurous.
- Smile more!! Happy people are attractive!
Shannon Mann