Wigs 101

When you hear the word "cancer," one of the first things you naturally think is "Will I lose my hair?" Hair loss did come as a side effect of chemotherapy for me. However, I was determined to take the bull by the horns, so to speak, and find a wig that would suit me perfectly before treatment started and before my hair started falling out. After many try-on sessions complete with laughter, I found the perfect wig and started sporting it right away, which made my hair loss a lot less painful when it actually happened.
Almost a year later, and my hair has grown back but I'm still enjoying the ease of the wig and consider it more of an accessory. So whether you are in the "necessity" or "accessory" category, wig-wearing can be fun and simple. It has shaved time off my morning routine, which is another plus.
When in search for a wig, we all want the most natural look as possible. A few things I look for is a temple-to-temple lace front with monofilament top. This makes the wig seamlessly blend into your skin. I also lean towards a natural color with darker roots that match my natural hair color with a style that fits my face shape. Synthetic wigs that are heat resistant have worked best for me. If you wish, you can dry, curl and straighten to suit your mood or wear them straight out of the box.
I get asked frequently about wig maintenance. Some wigs come with a little more silicone, which makes it shiny. This also is an easy fix. I just apply a little dry shampoo to cut the shine. I usually wash my wigs twice a month. I use a mild hydrating or moisture shampoo and conditioner by Hair Biology, rinse and hang on the wig stand to dry overnight, and in between washings I just use a conditioning spray to keep them fresh.
Wigs as an accessory is a great way to quickly change up your style and try something fresh and new without fully committing to a cut or color and can be a major confidence booster if you have thinning hair. Fuller hair will instantly give you a younger look and add a pep to your step.
So whether you are in need of a wig due to health reasons, thinning hair due to hormonal changes, looking to have less daily hair maintenance or you just simply want to add some pizzaz to your look, do not be intimated by the idea of wearing a wig. I have embraced it and have received many compliments on my "new hairstyle."
Below are a few of my favorites.
xoxo Shannon
Unfiltered by Raquel Welch in color 19/23SS (Rooted Shaded Bisquit)
Simmer by Raquel Welch in color 19/23SS (Rooted Shaded Bisquit). I took this to my hair stylist and had her cut about an inch off before wearing.
Wavy Day by Raquel Welch in color 19/23SS (Rooted Shaded Bisquit)
Current Events by Raquel Welch in color RL16/22SS (Shaded Iced Sweet Cream)
Straight Up with a Twist by Raquel Welch in color 19/23SS (Rooted Shaded Bisquit)